Patients with active acne, acne scars, or wrinkles who desire an effective and fast treatment that allows them to return to normal activities immediately are perfect candidates for Thermascan. A “No Downtime” treatment utilizing a mid-infrared 1319nm Nd:YAG laser that targets the upper papillary and reticular dermis. ThemaScan will stimulate new collagen growth for a positive effect on wrinkles as well as shrink the sebaceous glands for a positive effect on acne and acne scarring.
Thermascan is effective on all skin types and skin tones. The face is commonly treated for wrinkles, fine lines, aging skin, hypertrophic scars, acne and acne scarring.
Because it takes time for collagen to remodel, typically a minimum of 4 treatments are required for the results to become visible. The growth of collagen and elastin continues for some time after the treatment and will lead to a gradual improvement in skin tightness or acne to subside.
Thermascan is gentle and non-invasive and minimal discomfort will be felt during treatment. The procedure will take 20-30 minutes. You will be instructed on after care. Sun avoidance is necessary following the treatment.