The “weekend” skin peel, the MicrolaserPeel®, treats skin conditions associated with aging and active lifestyle. You can see younger looking skin from a minimally invasive procedure. Visible improvements in a few days.
What is MicroLaserPeel®?
It is an intra-dermal laser peel that precisely ablates the outermost layers of the skin. The procedure is individually tailored to the nature of the condition to be corrected.
Skin conditions such as wrinkles, scars, acne scars, keratoses, or pigmentary problems have been successfully treated with a MicroLaserPeel®. If you are looking for something more than microdermabrasion or chemical peels and have a little time for a prolonged healing process, then MicrolaserPeel® was designed for you.
The MicrolaserPeel® is a partial-to-full epidermal peel. Because the procedure ablates deeper and targets the epidermis more deeply, more downtime is required.
What can you expect?
Smoother more vibrant skin
Even your skin tone and remove unwanted pigment spots
Improve skin texture and tightness
Soften fine lines and wrinkles
Day of treatment with MicroLaserPeel®?
Topical anesthesia is applied prior to procedure. The procedure takes approximately 30 minutes. The healing process takes 3-4 days. Symptoms following the procedure resembles a sunburn, with minor sloughing of the skin on the second and third day. Redness will begin to fade by the third day, and be easily covered with makeup on the fourth day.Typically the procedure is repeated in 6 weeks for best results. You will be given instructions how to care for the skin post treatment. Avoidance of sun exposure is critical during the healing process. Results can be appreciated as soon as one week.